Hello, fabulous followers and others!
In this assignment, we have $100 (hypothetically, we don't actually have $100) and we must choose a gift (or a few) from an organization (or two). These gifts would have gone to a developing country in need of whatever ethical gift you have chosen. For example, say I have decided to choose supplies for a classroom. I would then shop around at all four organizations (Oxfam, Plan Canada, World Vision, or Salvation Army). Once I find the best price, I would "purchase" it. It's quite simple. That's the assignment for the blog, but we have also decided to do a "Spare Change Drive" to actually raise money and buy an ethical gift for a developing country. When we figure the grand total, we will combine the classes and choose a gift (or a few) to purchase! Anyways, on with the assignment.
The organisations that I have chosen for the assignment is Plan Canada and Oxfam (I really don't like Salvation Army for many reasons, and World Vision's prices were dangerously high). I chose these organizations because they have the best prices, and seem like reliable organizations. For one of my ethical gifts, I have chosen to plant 50 trees for $35 (from Oxfam). This benifits a village by giving fruit, and giving shade for farming and people, plus it's a long term solution for said things. Secondly, I have chosen to give a family 3 baby chicks for $15 (from Plan Canada). This benifits a family because, once the chicks have grown they can be used for breeding, amd eggs (which provides income). Lastly, I have chosen a sheep for $50 (from Plan Canada). A sheep benifits a family because it provedes wool, milk, cheese, and after death, meat. The milk, cheese and wool also provides income for the family. As you can see I have decided to split my funds for seperate items- $50 dollars for a sheep, $35 dollars for 50 trees, and $15 for 3 baby chicks- instead of just spending my money on one thing, for a bunch of the same thing.
Farewinds! -Bree-