Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All About The Trumpet.

Diagram of the Trumpet
 Well, hello there.

Our Next assignment: one that has something to do with our instruments. Oh, I don't know too much about my trumpet, (Like how to play it...) since I have just picked it this year. But! After this assignment. I will. Oh, I will (I probably still won't have played it or anything...) know everything. Well, not that much. But a fair amount. :) Anyways, here is the joyful read that you await.

The name of the instrument that I play is the trumpet, which is part of the brass family.
The names of all the parts of the instrument are: the mouthpiece, the mouthpiece receiver, the valves (there are 3), the hook, the third valve slide, the water key, the third valve slide ring, the second valve slide, the first valve slide, and the valve casings. The clef that my instrument plays in is the treble clef. The time when the trumpet was first discovered was in the time of King Tut, proven by the instrument being found in his tomb. Which, in short was in the 1400's.
The people who invented the trumpet are not specified, but are most likely someone who did so in Egypt. The trumpet makes a sound of a high pitch, and probably has since the invention of it. You make a sound with this instrument by buzzing your lips on the mouthpiece which creates a vibration through the tube. But, before you play, you must assemble it, by gently putting the mouthpiece inside the body of the trumpet in the place where it belongs. 
You sterilize the mouthpiece by putting it into a bucket of warm water with dish soap or sterilizing product.  You maintain the instrument by using the water key to empty the water from the instrument, wiping the trumpet with a clean soft cloth, oiling the valves, and greasing the sides regularly. You must also sterilize the mouthpiece often.

Thanks for reading all about the trumpet, and come back soon for a new post.

Farewinds! -Bree- :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The "Golden" Rule

Why Hi There.

This time, our assignment is to answer a couple of questions about The Golden Rule. You may have noticed that I have put "Golden" into quotation marks in my title. The reason for this is I do not agree with The "Golden" rule. Shocking, I know. No, I am not saying that all people should be mean to each other. I am just saying that I don't like the general concept of that rule. I don't like it because it can go both ways. Yes my friends, both ways. I mean, sure, people act good to you, act good to them, it's simple. But, if people act badly to you, are you supposed to be nice to them? What, you think that just because you don't lose it and act nice to them, that they'll be nice to you? They were already being mean to you!  Anyways, as you may have seen in my "Tolerance and Discrimination :)" post, I said the same thing. So, as you may see, I didn't get this idea very recently. So, anyways, into the specifics. We have to answer 4 questions. I have chosen to do the following, because they are the ones that I can answer, disagreeing with the rule, and all. 1. "What is the message of the Golden Rule?", 2."Which expression of the Golden Rule do you like the best? Why?", 3."What could things be like if everyone behaved according to the Golden Rule", 4."Why is it that sometimes we don't behave according to the Golden Rule?". My favorite? The last. You know why. Anyways, off to the answers.

1. The message of The "Golden" Rule is that you have to act in a certain way to people, if you would like them to treat you the same way (As I said, both ways!).

2. The expression of The "Golden" Rule that I like the most is the Native Spirituality one, which is, "We are as much alive as we keep the earth alive". It's my favorite because it makes the most sense to me. What I mean is that we can't be alive if the earth isn't, and so, brings the quote. I also like this expression because it applies more to nature, and you may think I'm obsessed now, but it can't go both ways, which I like of course.

3. Personally for this one, I'd have to say that it almost wouldn't change at all. I bet tons and tons of people out there are acting by The "Golden" Rule, and some of them not even knowing it. I'm saying this because everyone wants to be treated differently, and if you're angry, happy, excited, or sad, everything changes. People want to be treated differently in different moods also.

4. Ah, this one is very easy. I think that people don't behave according to The "Golden" Rule because, as I said in question 3, when your in a different mood, everything changes. I have a scenario here. Let's say that you're angry at someone, for whatever reason, and you are just so mad, let's just say it's pretty much "blind rage". So, you are both being verbally attacked at this point. Now that you aren't really paying attention to what you say, this 'treating others like you want to be treated' business isn't so important now is it?

Well, now that you, my wonderful friends/acquaintances have finished reading my rant, I think it's fair for me to bid you:

Farewinds! -Bree- :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Name.

Oh, Bloggers. Hi.

Our newest assignment is to go to these wonderful websites which lets you search your name. I thank Behind The Name for telling me my name doesn't exist. Same goes for Baby Names. So, I had to use a variation, which is Bree. Alright, so here it is...

Behind my name, Bree.

Before I started this assignment, I had no idea what my name meant, as for me never being able to find it. So, um, not much to say there.
I actually don't know why my parents chose my name for me  because I always get two stories, and since I don't know, I'm not sure who to believe.
After searching on Baby Names I learned that my name means "The exalted one." Oh, sure. Just so you know, 'exalted' means Praised, or honored; Noble, sublime. (Thanks, google!). If you know me, you are most likely to know that I am far from any of those things. In fact, to be heard by a group of people larger than three, in a conversation at recess or something like that, I usually have to shout. Therefore drawing the conclusion that I am, in fact, barely paid attention to. So, I must disagree, and say that I am not exalted. Sorry Gaelic natives. Now I would love to say that I learned something cool or interesting in my search, but they don't have much to say about my first name, or middle name (Which is completely abnormal also, my middle name is Camilla, which I like a good deal, because it sounds like caramel.). Yep, they gave me the meaning of the name and decided that there is not enough people with that name to actually put research into it. I am also not sure where to find my last name meaning, so, sorry folks, I got nothing for you there either. Now, I can't say my name exactly does or doesn't suit me, I just don't know. I know how pitiful that must be, not to know if my own name suits me or not, but there's just something about it that leaves me undecided. If I could have the option to give myself a new name I wouldn't. I would definitely want a really weird name, and, at the current moment, and probably for a very long time, I won't be able to think of a weird enough name to suit me. Or definitely one that I like.

Anyways, thanks a bunch for reading that (boring) post, and come back soon for a new post! :D

Farewinds! -"Bree"- :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tolerance and Discrimination Assignment.

Oh, Hi. Didn't see you there.

Okay, so our teacher said that we should write a post about the meaning for  tolerance and discrimination. So, I asked her if I could voice my opinions about if I think that the average North American person should have tolerance and avoid discrimination. She said sure. So, the meaning of tolerance (as defined by my mother) is to be able to put up with something you don't like, and I try alot to do so. For example, in home room, I have to sit beside someone who reads, takes notes, reads questions, and does calculations out loud. They are also a talker. But I try my best to tolerate them, I mean most of the time I can't, but anyways, not important ha. So yes, I do think that tolerance is an important feature in life to be able to do for several reasons. One example is being able to tolerate a teacher (Not talking about you Ms. Crosbie :) ) or a boss. But then again, you can't be too set on tolerating everything. For example, things like racism or discrimination (Seen below :P ). Moving on... So, now I must talk about being able to do something about or avoid discrimination. Personally, I think that discrimination should not be tolerated. I think this because, first of all, put yourself in their point of view. Second of all, what'd they do to you? I mean sure, that "golden rule" thing can go both ways (Not exactly 'golden' to me, I mean dude, if you punch me in the nose and I live by the 'golden rule'...) but two wrongs don't make a right.

Anyways, Thanks for reading, and come back soon. :D

Farewinds. -Bree- :)


Hi. My name's Breah. I am joyous that you have come upon my page. I have a few things about me in this post. I love heavy metal bands such as The Devil Wears Prada, Disturbed, and System Of A Down. I dislike Justin Bieber. Alot. Like I hope his career ends very very soon. If you know what I mean. I don't watch television, and I watch movies all the time, but I dislike romance movies. Like, what's the point...? Anyways, I'm into photography, and soon I shall have a $700 camera, which excites me. I'm not into fashion at all, and I have made a pledge to not enter a clothing store other than West 49, D-Tox, and Hot Topic. I also am a kind of environmentalist... Anyways, post comments or questions, if you want, but I don't know if you would because I'm pretty boring. Thanks for reading this drawn out post, and come back often. :D

Farewinds! -Bree- :)