Oh, Hi there you wonderful people who read my blog.
This time, it's difficult. It's not an extremely hard assignment or anything, it's just that, well, if you don't exactly, totally, fully understand the poem it's pretty hard. And that's the case with me. You see, what you have to do is respond to the poem any way you like, and say what it means to you, and how it should be applied to our society. But, eh, I'm not fully sure what it means, so I'm sorry if this sucks. Anyways here I go...
Opinion is a flitting thing,
but truth outlasts the sun--
if we cannot own them both--
posses the oldest one.
Now, I'm pretty sure that it means that you can have your opinion but make sure the truth is what your opinion is based on. As I've said, I don't really understand what it means, because I actually have no idea what, A) the truth has to do with your opinion or B) what the oldest one is. Is it the truth, or opinion? I just don't know that one, sorry. Don't get me wrong, I like how the poem is written, but I just don't get it. Anyways, the next thing is that we are supposed to do is tell you, my splendiferous followers, is how we can apply this to our society. I think that people, including myself, will always have their own opinions. But, the truth will always come out in the end. I think, keeping that in mind, we would have a more truthful society.
Oh jeez. That was not easy, in fact, that was very confusing, and it took me alot longer than usual to write. I'm not a poem person. Anyways, enough of my rambling.
Hey Caitlin,
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
Farewinds! -Bree- :)
hey breah how do u do the voting thing at the end of the post?
ReplyDeleteHey Steph,
ReplyDeleteTo vote at the end of the post, you would just click on the box next to the word you think best fits the post. If there is not box, then maybe there's something wrong with the computer or my blog. :/
Farewinds! -Bree- :D