Friday, October 8, 2010


Hi. My name's Breah. I am joyous that you have come upon my page. I have a few things about me in this post. I love heavy metal bands such as The Devil Wears Prada, Disturbed, and System Of A Down. I dislike Justin Bieber. Alot. Like I hope his career ends very very soon. If you know what I mean. I don't watch television, and I watch movies all the time, but I dislike romance movies. Like, what's the point...? Anyways, I'm into photography, and soon I shall have a $700 camera, which excites me. I'm not into fashion at all, and I have made a pledge to not enter a clothing store other than West 49, D-Tox, and Hot Topic. I also am a kind of environmentalist... Anyways, post comments or questions, if you want, but I don't know if you would because I'm pretty boring. Thanks for reading this drawn out post, and come back often. :D

Farewinds! -Bree- :)


  1. Hey Breah, I really like your first post :), I really enjoy all the bands above. I also am in love with all your favourite stores (: can't wait to see your next blog.

    your friend, Max
    P.S I am following you :)

  2. Hey Max,

    Why thank you! :D Heavy metal is pretty awesome. I mean I couldn't live without it. :P And I know right? Best stores ever. :P Thanks, and I'll be sure to follow and read your blog. :)

    Farewinds! -Bree-
